Free Assets
More free stream assets! Yay! Take a look at my lovely new duct tape webcam frame (in PNG format). I designed this to go with the Game Boy Color inspired free animated overlay I released here on the Blog last week. I have yet to use it on my stream, but I have tested it.…
Read MorePresenting my new stream overlay (completely free of charge) the Stream Boy Color. This one is inspired by the classic translucent purple Game Boy Color, but one that’s been put through its paces. It has a dusty and dirty screen with a few cracks in it, a dying battery, and it may have a few…
Read MoreIt’s time for some new stream overlays friends! This time they are inspired by the 1984 film Repo Man starring Emilio Estevez, the mighty duck man, I swear to god! Emiliooo Emilioestevez GIF from Emiliooo GIFs One of the most charming things about the film, aside from Harry Dean Stanton, is the packaging of the…
Read MoreIntroducing my No Name overlay. The iconic No Name brand has really planted their flag in the yellow and black colour palette (colour with a U baby, cause we’re Canadian). I’ve taken that and turned it into an overlay you can use to underwhelm your friends and followers. They are also known for their dry…
Read MoreCheck out these free streamer overlays that you can use attribution free on your channel.
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